Mobile alerts for true fans

Whilst social media is a vital resource for artists and creators, it’s become filled with noise, low engagement rates and the platforms continue to limit the reach of pages so that people who want to hear your message, don’t. Area is a simple platform that gives creators a personalised page where their most dedicated fans can opt-in to receive alerts via SMS of WhatsApp message. Early testing of the platform has seen an engagement rate on messages of over 90%. Area gives its users the possibility to launch products, tours and announcements and reach all of their most dedicated fans instantaneously.


With Great Power...

With great power comes great responsibility. Our system ensures that when a customer opts-in to receiving notifications they are then sent a welcome message asking them to confirm for a second time that they would like to receive messages. Furthermore, all messages sent on our platform come with an opt-out message and gives users the ‘right to be forgotten’ at the click of a button.


Audience segmentation

Area allows for audience segmentation based on the location of your fans. This allows our creators to send messaging to specific audiences. For gig and tour announcements it allows artists and influencers to send fans directly to their nearest show.